You’re Too “Extra”, But It’s Okay…Here’s Why!

Do people often refer to you as “extra?” A negative cognition surrounds women who are perceived as “extra.” However, what if we shifted our mindset that doing a little extra can help us on our road to greatness?

“Doing a little extra can help us on our road to greatness”

It is a fact that how you do anything is how you do everything. If you operate at half capacity and don’t put forth the extra effort in one aspect of your life, it will translate to other elements in your life. If you show up in spaces with the mindset that you will do the bare minimum just to get by, then you will gain minimal results.

Too many times, I hear women say that they are “faking it to make it.” The problem with “faking it”, however, is your subconscious can not decipher when you should fake something and when you should be giving your best. Therefore, you should always put forth your best effort so that you do not confuse your subconscious.

Think about the Stacy Abrams and Michelle Obamas of the world, I can guarantee if you shadowed these women for a day, you would find that they constantly go the extra mile to achieve their goals. Imagine if these women "faked it to make it” instead of being “extra,” neither of them would be where they are today. As Rockefeller once said, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great!”

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great!
— John D. Rockefeller

From now on, if someone refers to you as “extra,” take it as a compliment. What they are likely saying is that you do more than what is expected. Doing a little extra will help you be above average, which will further help you to become better overall. No need to feel bad if you dressed up a little more for work today, or you did a little extra for a work assignment or you decided to spend extra time heading up a project. Don’t feel insecure about being extra.


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